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Like an Ambassador of his People
- Rapper in Senegal

Senegal / Germany 2005.

Senegalese rappers are the voice of their generation. In their songs they accuse the politicians to be corrupt and to encourage nepotism. They rap about prostitution, high unemployment and immense poverty in Senegal and demand the politicians to work on a better future for the country. They complain about the wars in the world and the ignorance of the western world concerning Africa and appeal for action.The musicians declare themselves as the voice of the needs of young people in western Africa. Hip Hop in Senegal has been around for more than 15 years. Their essence has been a social commentary on the day to day realities of the country - and is not an imitation of American gangsta rap.




The film focuses on the committed attitude of Senegalese rappers in interviews, concerts, rehearsals, plus commentaries of friends and members of their families.Amongst many well known stars performing like DaaraJ, Alif, BMG 44, Pee Froiss, Positive Black Soul, also some of the 3.000 other unknown groups of Senegal will be at the Rap Festival in Dakar, supported by the French rapper Passi. In a pulsating show they bring the Centre Culturel Francais to a boiling point.Videofilm by Hans-Jörg Heinrich Senegal / Germany 2005; 86 min.